Heyo! Ever wondered where does GOLD come from?
Sometimes I wonder it's the origins of gold that makes it so expensive🤭 so here's a quick mini thread for you!
Elements that make up your body, like the oxygen you breathe, the Calcium in your teeth, the carbon in your skin, the nitrogen in our DNA was forged in the Catastrophic deaths of Massive monsterous Stars! When they d!e, we call it a Supernova! Yes you're made of STARS❤️
But Gold has a really special origin, it's wayy too special, gold is heavier than those elements so it can't be produced even during the deaths of stars! We really need a dangerous event than that! What could it possibly be???
Take a deep breath because it turns out that there's such an event, remember I told you about neutron stars? Well, ofcourse you know about them you guys are already smart🤭 Anyways here's a little Tldr: neutron stars are the wildest, they are very little in size...
Only about the size of a city, but super dense! So dense & with such an extreme Gravitational pull that they can literally crush you into particles before you even realise what's happening?!?
@LIGO detectes Gravitational waves (yes i'll do a thread on this don't worry), just a couple of years ago when Astrophysicists analysed further the data, THEY WERE SHOCKED! THESE WAVES WERE GENERATED BY 2 NEUTRON STARS EATING UP EACH OTHER! THEY WERE MERGING INTO ONE ANOTHER!
And this is the event from WHERE GOLD ORIGINATES! THIS IS WHERE GOLD CAME FROM! When they collide they release as much energy in a fraction of a second as all the energy radiated by all the other stars in the cosmos at that instant! That's how Powerful they really are
The gold in your expensive wrist watch, in your jewellery, in your show peices was forged in the Collison of 2 neutron stars! You're literally wearing a part of debris that spewed out of that catastrophic event! You've a part on your body that came from such events, feel lucky🤭
Such events are known as Kilonova! So next time feel proud whenever you own something golden!

I was bored so I made this thread okay bye now🤪
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