PLAYBOOK PM: THE LAST GASP? … SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI is hosting Senate Minority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER, White House COS MARK MEADOWS and Treasury Secretary STEVEN MNUCHIN to the Capitol today for another shot at striking a Covid relief deal. The meeting begins shortly
THE WHITE HOUSE wants President DONALD TRUMP to sign his executive orders as early as this evening to attempt to stop collecting the payroll tax, extend enhanced unemployment benefits, halt student loan payments and put in place an eviction moratorium. They need quick progress
PELOSI said at a noontime news conference that Democrats offered Thursday to decrease their ask by $1 trillion -- it’s currently in the $3 trillion neighborhood -- if Republicans increased theirs by $1 trillion to roughly $2 trillion. The administration said no.
How close are the two sides, really? Here’s what the negotiators told us this morning -- and it does illustrate that there is a bunch of overlap:

-- UNEMPLOYMENT: Republicans were at $400 for 20 weeks or 70% of wage replacement with a $600 cap. Dems were at $600.

-- HOUSING: Not too close. Dems were pushing for rental assistance, and Republicans asked for the cost. GOP: eviction moratorium
DING: Dream on. They were nowhere. Republicans were in the $400 million-$500 million neighborhood, and Democrats wanted $3.6 billion.
EDUCATION: Lots of work remained here. Dems wanted $175 billion for K-12. They were discussing private school assistance, and were close to a deal on that, as well. Republicans were at $75 billion, which they calculated at $1,200 per student.
STATE AND LOCAL: Republicans were at $150 billion for a year and flexibility on the $112 billion that was unspent from the CARES Act. Dems have demanded $900 billion for two years, and PELOSI floated the idea of $500 billion per year. This is a new formulation.
-- NATIONAL SERVICE: There had been some discussion about a new national service program for Covid tracers. Republicans are opposed.

-- USPS FUNDING: This was pretty much buttoned up: $10 billion over two years. They are still awaiting language

-- COVID TESTING: close on point-of-care testing funding. MEADOWS said he would work with Democrats to provide 3 million point-of-care tests per day
-- OSHA: MNUCHIN said he would be willing to talk about changes to OSHA, & MEADOWS said he had talked to Labor Secretary EUGENE SCALIA about enforcement.

-- FOOD ASSISTANCE: They had all but agreed on 15% increase in SNAP funding through the end of the year, and Dems were open
-- BROADBAND: The two sides were close to agreeing to $12 billion, and had shown interest in Sen. JOE MANCHIN’S ( http://D-W.Va .) rural broadband plan. There is some resistance to this among Senate Republicans.
-- PENSIONS: There is more work to do on this front.

-- AIRLINES: It’s not entirely clear where both sides are on the airline money issue. It’s up in the air, no pun intended.
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