Given the size and diversity of US states, a per capita comparison between the US and individual EU countries is a bit apples to oranges. More apt comparison is US to whole of the EU.

On that basis, US fares poorly.
Here is FT chart showing per capita death rates in US and EU. Both initially follow same trajectory - US and EU were both (inexcusably) caught unready for initial spread.

But EU countries managed to bend the curve much more quickly, effectively, and (so far) sustainably.
Country-by-country vs state-by-state contrast is also interesting.

NY/NJ, at their peak, had death rates far higher than worst-hit EU countries (35-40 per mil vs 13-18 per mil).

MI at peak was comparable to worst-hit EU countries.
2nd-wave US states like AZ, TX, FL have seen death rates per million peaking around 50-75% of level of worst-hit EU countries.

BUT that's pretty damning considering the worst EU countries were caught off guard while US 2nd-wave states had months of warning that they squandered.
So overall I think the deaths per capita data show that compared to EU peers, the US response has been:
- equally poor in initial growth phase
- significantly weaker and slower in initial suppression phase
- singularly ineffective at maintaining suppression
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