1/ Hello everyone,
I enter my own data from the @HealthyOklahoma website. This morning I noticed the number of cases in counties with smaller populations was slowly ticking up. I ran a quick study to examine whether the rate of increase from yesterday to today.
2/ First, I calculated the % increase from yesterday to today by dividing the number of new cases by the number of cases reported yesterday. Next, I sorted the counties by # of cases.
3/ Last, I removed any counties that had an increase of 1% or less. I divided the remaining counties into those that > 500 cases and those that had <500. Last, I sorted the counties with <500 by % increase.
4/ Tables 1 and 2 present the findings. The percent increase for counties with >500 cases ranged from 2-5% with an average % increase of 2.60%. The percent increase for counties with <500 cases ranged from 2-23% with an average increase of 4.45%.
5/ As you can see, Pittsburg and Latimer counties are really driving up the average, so I calculated the average increase without Pittsburg (3.74%) and without Pittsburg and Latimer counties (3.49%).
6/ One of the limitations of this study is that it only looks at the increase from one day to the next, but I plan on looking at these changes over time.
7/ I examined this because @govstitt told the public yesterday that things are going just peachy in #oklahoma when a study I was able to undertake during my 30 minute lunch break show that things are not good.

@govstitt lied.
8/ The counties that had the greatest increase in this study are counties with fairly low populations where the magnitude of a lost is greater than it is in a heavily populated area.
9/ This is not acceptable. I encourage you all to speak out to Oklahoma and advocate for your fellow Oklahomans. We do not have to sit with “it is what it is.”
10/ We are a state that purports to believe that every single life has value, we need to take action with that driving our intention.
And yes, I am aware that this little study is written with typos, when you are at lunch sometimes proofreading multiple timea becomes a luxury. #ADHD
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