Pay attention to the amount of white women who come out in the next couple of days to condemn WAP and to shame Cardi B and Megan for WAP- White womanhood, and that is to say construct of womanhood as it is imposed, has ALWAYS relied on hypersexualization of black women (cont)
to insinuate our un-womanness. Misogynoir relies on animalistic dehumanization and pointing to black women as beast like, as too sexual, as deviating from the notion of womanhood (an imposed construct)
Let’s look at Sarah Baartman? Certainly not considered a woman and dehumanized for it- perhaps the most literal example of how animalistic dehumanization ties to hyper sexualization of black women
Whiteness has relied on pointing to black womanhood and the way it takes up space (both physically and beyond) to call it un-woman, because if you look at prescribed womanhood, the values therein you will see it is predicted on abscence and childishness
Now I said childishness- so think about how black girls are denied childhood because of hyper sexualization being imposed on them- think about little black girls who get called “fast” I want you to see all the threads and I want you to connect them
Today, and for the next week or so, you’re going to see white women chastising these women. And they will claim it’s just related to feminism, but the tie to race is clear. White women need to point to us condemningly to assert their identity because race exists in polarity
I speak about American race politics to be clear- but whiteness itself is abscence (well it’s also violence, but through that vacuous/ void) so it is a construct that exists through violence to others- this is why “what is white culture” is such a daunting question
Because whiteness is *not*- as I say often it is about a collection of ideologies built through hierarchy and hegemony and maintained through explicit and implicit- personal and structural violence. It must condemn to exist
Anyway moving with the themes we’ve discussed on abscence and childishness we should see how womanhood as it is imposed on us- white is womanhood is about UN sexuality
If someone is pointing to a woman who is enthusiastically saying “I wanna suck dick, suck my clit” then that is certainly revelatory about how they conceptualize womanhood and how womanhood relates to sex
If “put this pussy right in your face, swipe your nose like a credit card” if “Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy” are UN feminist- which is to say UN womanly then ask what womanhood is? What it must be???? Follow that
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