(THREAD) Two books on events relating to Ukraine, Trump, and Biden are about to drop. The first is Liberal Privilege, by Donald Trump Jr.; The second is Proof of Corruption. I explain here why Proof of Corruption is the antidote to Trump's book. I hope you'll read on and RETWEET.
1/ We knew a disinformation campaign about Biden and Ukraine was coming via the Trump camp. What we didn't know was how vile it would be—or how would be delivered to voters. With the announcement that Don Jr. is self-publishing his new book, we now know the Trump campaign's plan.
2/ @DonaldJTrumpJr has revealed that his book (a) is about Joe Biden and Ukraine; (b) was written in 3 months; (c) was written in significant part by "researchers" working with him; (d) appears to have had *no formal fact-checking*; (e) will be distributed directly to GOP voters.
3/ It's hard to underscore how stunning this is. Donald Trump Jr.'s last book, Triggered, was a #1 NYT bestseller—albeit with a "dagger," indicating "bulk sales" had contributed to its placement on the list. To distribute *this* book, just months later, in this way...is shocking.
4/ To explain: it's not clear whether Trump Jr.'s book will be in bookstores. It's not clear whether it'll be on Amazon. It's not even clear whether it'll be marketed anywhere other than on the Trump campaign's website. And the GOP has already said it'll be used for fundraising.
5/ No one in publishing has seen anything like this before—a #1 NYT bestselling author publishing another book, months later, in a way that makes it difficult for people to get it and suggests it's almost wholly a political operation. So what gives, exactly? What is media saying?
7/ Keep in mind that Don Jr. has sold around 300,000 copies of Triggered—which under a conventional book deal would net him between $1.2 million and $1.5 million in the 8 months the book has been out. But had Don Jr. *self-published*, he might have made *millions* more than this.
8/ So self-publishing Liberal Privilege allows the Trump family to libel Biden right before the election—in a way the family knows won't be litigated pre-election—deliver that libel directly to GOP voters through the Republican National Committee, and make $10+ million doing it.
9/ Read the previous tweet, and then consider what a *dangerous* political operation this is: a giant tome of libel against Biden, distributed to hundreds of thousands of people right before the election, that wasn't edited or fact-checked, and that makes the Trumps $10+ million.
10/ With the Trumps it always gets worse, though—and this is no different. Don't you wonder who these mysterious, unnamed Trump-family "researchers" are? Don't you wonder who *wrote* this book in 90 days, given it likely wasn't Don Jr.? Don't you wonder if they're even Americans?
12/ Derkach is dangerous—as are the other Putin allies in his ring of pro-Kremlin disinformation hustlers. And they're linked to Trumpworld's shadiest figures, including those who passed Kremlin disinformation preelection in 2016, like Prince and Giuliani. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/05/a-new-giuliani-like-effort-to-smear-biden-over-ukraine-falls-flat/
13/ In other words, there's every reason to think Donald Trump Jr. is self-publishing his libel-filled codex on Joe Biden using research—that would be illegal foreign election assistance, for those following along at home—from Kremlin agents. And he plans to make millions off it.
14/ So far, U.S. media has remained almost wholly silent about this *laundering* of Kremlin disinformation through a self-published book distributed directly to voters by the Republican National Committee. No one has demanded Trump Jr. confirm no foreign assistance was employed.
15/ The reason for this? There is—I can't emphasize it enough—*no* chance Trump Jr. didn't use disinformation he received from Trump lawyer Giuliani for this book, which means we *know* the Kremlin agents the information came from: Shokin, Telizhenko, Derkach, and several others.
16/ Moreover, as we know this book wasn't edited or fact-checked, it will be *explosive*—as *anything* can be explosive when it isn't edited or fact-checked. So the chance that it sells better than Triggered is high, and as it's pre-election the GOP will certainly give away more.
17/ So the Trump family is going to make millions and millions of dollars off Kremlin disinformation—and note, both the disinformation *and* the money it makes the Trumps (likely $10+ million) is illegal foreign election assistance—and the GOP will ensure a million-plus read it.
18/ You might wonder: what's the intended response of the @JoeBiden camp? That we can tell? ... nothing. No effort has been made to discredit the book as unedited libel, as illegal foreign election assistance, as essentially a criminal fraud perpetrated by the Trumps and the RNC.
19/ Moreover, no apparent response exists to offer a rebuttal—a book that'd a) discredit all the false, manufactured, Kremlin-pushed lies about Biden, b) be professionally fact-checked at great cost, and c) reveal what the *Trumps*—including Don Jr.—have been doing with Ukraine.
20/ If Biden campaign's were *prepared* for what Don Jr. is about to unload on America, it'd be drafting a comprehensive response that includes—if possible—a book infinitely better/more responsible than Don Jr.'s in every respect, that exonerates Biden and exculpates the Trumps.
21/ It so happens that I wrote such a book, and did much of the research for it and some of the writing for it before Super Tuesday—meaning that it wasn't researched or written with a Biden candidacy in mind. Indeed, by the time Biden formally "won," the book was almost finished.
22/ While sections were added to the book after Biden's win to address other current events, the fact that I supported Warren over Biden and that much of the book was prepared at a time no one thought Biden would be the nominee underlines its objective bona fides substantially.
23/ Moreover, the book used a team of 5 professional fact-checkers—and is being published under the editorial guidance and oversight of one of the "Big 5" New York City trade publishers: Macmillan. It has passed every review and quality check with flying colors. And there's more.
24/ Not only is Proof of Corruption part of a NYT-bestselling nonfiction series, but the preceding 1,000+ pages of the series have had no errors found in them—a testament to the fact that they were professionally fact-checked and edited, too. Proof of Corruption drops in a month.
25/ I didn't write Proof of Corruption for Biden, or to aid Biden. I was a Warren supporter while I was writing it. But what I found—in researching a book with 5,000 major-media citations on Trump, Biden and Ukraine—is the Trumps committed crimes in Ukraine. The Bidens never did.
CONCLUSION/ I wrote atop this thread that Proof of Corruption—with its waterlike cover—is an "antidote" to Liberal Privilege (with its wall-of-fire cover). And it is—in every possible way. The two books will be released in the same two-week period; I hope Democrats pay attention.
NOTE/ I didn't forecast it sufficiently in the first tweet in this thread, but I'm saying Trump Jr.'s book is a pre-election scandal that may well be a criminal fraud, too—and it deserves to be covered in that light. Democrats need a "competing" book that is responsible and true.
PREORDER/ I'm glad that Proof of Corruption comes out 12 days after Trump Jr.'s book—folks need to know how dangerous the Kremlin disinformation Trump Jr. is pushing is before getting the antidote. If you want to preorder that antidote, you can do so here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250272998?tag=macsupaduinstalpa-20
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