Ok ok ok.. it's @Bandcamp friday.. I'll do a thread of stuff I'm hyped on below but I've actually got some of my own stuff to hype for once but I've already tweeted a bit about there's:
first off my old friend Ilyas has an epic track up to benefit @bailproject. it's great, his music is great. scope here: https://ilyasahmed.bandcamp.com/track/sudden-venom
. @JAM808ire has a new one out. I loved his track "Here I am, Send Me" and this is more of his soundtrack/collage work: https://jamirewilliams.bandcamp.com/album/prophecies-other-concepts
V hyped on this Vestals LP on @dust_editions. Her first LP in 9 years, the last one on @rootstrata was a high point for that label and this new one sounds fanstasic: https://vestals.bandcamp.com/album/holy-origin
I'm a doofus for sleeping on Saint Abdullah.. They're on the old PDX bud's label @BoomarmNation and legendary @PURPICIDE's PTP. They've got a fried globe/dome take on persian sounds that sits great next to @maralj1n and this new double CD sounds TUFF: https://psychicliberation.bandcamp.com/album/in-gods-image
I loved the Rojin Sharafi tape on @ZabteSote and she's got her own bandcamp page featuring a few other works of hers. RULES: https://rojinsharafi.bandcamp.com/track/juxtapoz-die-anderen-bilder
Jef Cantu tipped me to this one, solo violin... totally gorgeous. No trash here, Bach, Cage, Tenney along with the Kazakh violinist's own pieces: https://aishaorazbayeva.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-violin-alone
Bouncing off the cue from @noisextraaa this week, had to dip over the the @GerrittWittmer bandcamp and grab this CLASSIC Joe Colley album: https://misanthropicagenda.bandcamp.com/album/psychic-stress-soundtracks
new @RecitalProgram releases are always worth your time and I loved Derek Baron's "Crooked Dances" LP: https://recitalprogram.bandcamp.com/album/curtain 
been on a Quiet Artworks kick along with some things on Erfolg and Gefriem following a brief convo with @MoM_official.. this is one of those albums...: https://jossmolders.bandcamp.com/album/no-is-e-monocle
this new one from the old bud @CrypticSyntax is one of his best. "dance music" done so so wrong that it's perfect: https://livingmyth.bandcamp.com/album/motion-parallax
Picked this up due to the tip from @hebakadryy's great thread on Lebanese artists. Wasn't familiar and it sounds great: https://muqataa.bandcamp.com/album/la-lisana-lah
Also picking up this new one from @joseph_kamaru.. Hyped to get his @EditionsMego double when I can get it in the states but this one on @DagorettiR sounds equally fantastic: https://dagorettirecords.bandcamp.com/album/opaquer 
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