In 1994 HE Kusum Lingpa, a magnificent Terton, and Martin Gashewesoma keeper of the Hopi fire Tablets met to discuss the future of humanity. I was there with fourty others.
The topic of concern was the giant Earth serpents that control the rotation of the planet were restless and might move, causing the destruction of the current world.
We performed a ritual offering of two Hopi children effigies in a traditional Buddhist ceremony, with the intent of satiating the Earth serpents.
Afterwards the sky filled with rainbows.
Martin said this was a very old prophecy and the time was right to make the offerings. Because the serpents receive offerings through the power of the elements we made offerings of physical substance and clay for the earth.
We laid the offerings in Crestone Creek, sending the offerings through water. We made smoke offerings through a sacred Tibetan puja known as Riwo Sangchod. We then used our prayers to give offerings through the air element.
The occasion was both somber and joyous. I find that the modern occult far to often thinks of the spiritual realm as being at the service of man, or woman, or the occult aspirant. Really, the ancient world view is that we, man are at service of the spiritual world.
The reason why we now suffer from endless ages of war, famine, plague, and natural disasters is because we have forgotten this. We either ignore the spiritual and are materialist, or we ask the spiritual to work for us and are ignorant of the way of the universe.
When we die, both of these errors are corrected, but it is too late. To bring harmony to our minds, our bodies, and our own souls, living a fulfilled life, making offerings to the spirits and the spiritual is essential. Not to curry their favor, but show our appreciation.
To bring back the value of a harmonious life cycle, where nature and humanity are in balance. According to the view of Buddhism, we are in a degenerate age, where correct understanding of the spiritual is very distant fo most people due to the heaviness of the elements.
This makes it tremendously difficult to have appreciation for the subtle qualities of joy, a calm mind, insight into ones own spiritual nature, understanding of correct relationship to spirit beings, or even to understand who among us has spiritual qualities.
All of this can be attained if we are willing to make effort in becoming better humans. To this there are countless teachings by all spiritual paths. Being a human i a short experience in the span of time. Do not let your mind, emotions, and thoughts rob you of this opportunity.
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