Just learned the creator of the MBTI was antiblack TODAY...This should really not be hush-hush knowledge considering psych professors and researchers keep circling it around https://twitter.com/arthur_affect/status/1200472712100999169
Honestly whats getting me about this and suddenly hitting me is how easily the test facilitated ppl’s biases abt their intellect in the same way the eugenicistic SAT/ACT does & it all just comes together to remind me these arbitrary tests will always have white ppl in mind first
I watched an INTJ Facebook group I joined as a 14 year old quickly turn into a racism and nazism pool of pseudo intellectual assholes and I dont think any personality test worthwhile would ever validate those kinds of people enough to commune them under one mindset/box
I wanna quote something my girlfriend @goIdendeku mentioned bcs its a really good point n its frustrating

"mbti is a business tool n nothing more, it gives you no information of value & it just sections ppl off to different types of jobs so they can quietly benefit bosses"
"that's why people's jobs make them take the the test so regularly. why is it relevant in the workplace? so u can make ppl feel like sitting at a desk is what theyre meant to do"
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