-Friday Thread- 💵💵How to "BUILD" a sale💵💵
This weekend I am celebrating my one week journey on this side of twitter.

I have made a lot of friends and I am truly thankful for you all.

Please share and engage if you feel inclined to do so.

Lets get started! 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
1) Set Goals ✍️

- Before you sell anything there needs to be a plan.
- Create the plan and make your goal BIG!
- You are not just an appt runner, writer, marketer, programmer... If you are in a sales industry you are supposed to close deals. This is the end goal. Got it?
2) Establish Trust 😎

- Can you sell things without trust? Sure. will you do it consistently, NO!
- Pay attention to everything in your market, environment. Use it.
- Take your time building the sale. Your client is not in a rush and if they are, slow them down. Be yourself.
3) Build Value👨‍🌾

- Be an expert in your field. Show them why your product is the best. Don't tell them, SHOW THEM!
-Be a trend setter. DO NOT be like every other salesman.
- People want a good deal, so help them find one. But do it on your terms.
4) Identify a Need 👂

- If there is no need then you have no chance to sell anything.
- Ask them... mean them... listen to their answers. Listen to what they aren't saying. Pay attention to EVERYTHING!
5) Inform/Educate 👀

- This is the part of sales I think most overlook. Lets face it, most customer do not know our product as well as we do. It is our job to teach them.
- If you are in sales, you are an educator, you are a teacher.
- What makes your product stand out? Why?
6) Provide Solutions 👽

- Find options that will lead to fixing their problem.
- Have multiple things to sell, always provide all of your options.
- Being able to fix peoples problems priceless. Learn how to promote your solutions in a way the client can understand.
7) Inspire 🥰

- This is the stage the literally can make you a millionaire. People buy from people who inspire them.
- Show you want to help them, be genuine.
- Now is when you use all of the information have to create excitement and motivate your customer into buying.
8) Create Urgency ⛑️

- Why should they buy now? Well most times the customer cant answer this so its your job to tell them why.
- Strategically position yourself to do the job when YOU want to.
- Urgency closes deals more than anything else. Be a MASTER URGENCY CREATOR.

- Sounds simple right? It's not.
- The customer is talking to you for a reason, it is not because they love talking to strangers.
- You have spent this process selling yourself. That was the plan all along. That was your goal. NOW GO GET THAT SALE!
You can follow @bossyourday.
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