I'm sure only two people will read this, but for my own sanity, I wanted to put this somewhere regarding the release of our film, Antebellum.
Movie theaters are magical. They are essentially the only place where you can completely disconnect from your own world and fully immerse yourself in another, if only for a couple hours — there is simply no place like them.
We specifically created our film, Antebellum, to be experienced in this communal, theatrical setting and it is devastating to us that it will not be experienced in this way.
However, that devastation does not compare to how we would feel if anyone were to get sick (or worse) just because they wanted to go see our movie.
We also know that Antebellum is a film very much for this moment and has something meaningful to add to the conversation surrounding our nation’s history as it relates to race and injustice in our society today.
When Antebellum is released at home in the US on 9.18, please know that we would love for you to have experienced the film in a proper theater, but felt it was necessary to release it now, rather than waiting until 2021, and when the credits roll you will understand exactly why.
We are huge supporters of theaters and cannot wait to get back into that special place ourselves, where we look forward to inviting you to our next film, in a glorious, post-Covid world.
You can follow @ChristopherRenz.
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