Hey Jane @docrocktex26 this thread is gold.
I'd like to toss in a few anecdotal observations about suburb "browning." I live in the far western suburbs of Chicago. Towns that grew up along the rail lines that led from Chicago SW, due west, and NW. About a jillion 1920's-era👇 https://twitter.com/docrocktex26/status/1290722656598331394
houses on tree-lined streets where the FIRST wave of "white flight" occurred. Those freight rail lines became also commuter lines, and tons of white folks built those houses, rode the trains past the belt of black neighborhoods encircling the Loop district. This outer belt 👇
around Chicago isgenerally referred to as the "collar counties." My congressional district belonged to Henry Hyde (Hyde amendment); a few blocks west is the border to what was Dennis Hastert's district. You get the idea. Those two were succeeded by next generation Republicans. 👇
THEY were booted out in 2018.
When I retired in 2016 and quit riding that train to Chicago past the west side war zone I signed up to volunteer with the biggest branch office of the biggest refugee resettlement agency in the world, which happens to be right here in River City. 👇
I also started http://SecondChanceBikes.org . Both of these endeavors have given me opportunities to see first hand, up close and personal, parts of my surrounding area to which I'd been largely oblivious. Here's a few snapshots:
Wheaton is known as the "city of churches" with 👇
more churches per capita than anywhere else in the country. Two that I know of have been converted to mosques. One is huge, draws worshipers from 15-20 miles around. Another is now a Nepalese house of worship. There are a large Sikh Community Center and a Korean church not 👇
2 miles from my house. When I first met my newly-arrived Syrian friends 3 years ago I looked for a place they could share Iftar meals with other Muslims. I learned there are at least three mosques within 2 miles of their apartment. Now there is a large one under construction 👇
across the road from the large apartment complex where my Burmese friends live. I was invited 3 yrs ago to an "open house Iftar" at a big Mosque; the mayor, police chief, and other local dignitaries were guest speakers. The mayor spoke about Wheaton's diversity, yes, Wheaton,👇
founded in 1830s, bastion of several waves of "white flight." He said the nationally top-ranked public school district had students with over 70 different native languages. By working with immigrant families I have become familiar with how the public schools deal with large 👇
numbers of students who speak little or no English. I had envisioned my kids sitting in the back of the class, clueless as to what was going on, falling farther and farther behind as Henry Hyde-worshipping teachers pretended they were not there. WRONG! All of the schools 👇
have ELL (English Language Learner) programs. They test, rank capabilities, put them in special classes, teach English but also teach other subjects with an ELL teacher assisting. When I have attended parent-teacher conferences with mothers the ELL teacher has joined in with 👇
the classroom teacher. This is the public school system the white supremacists want to destroy. It is not like this everywhere, to be sure. There are plenty of MAGA-dominated regions where these kids would not stand a chance. But one Nepalese Wheaton North high school grad 👇
I know is now in school to become an RN. The three congress members covering the areas where I have friends are Raja Krishnamoorthi, Lauren Underwood, and Sean Casten. Brown, Black, and White. All "collar county" districts.
In my bicycle program I meet a lot of donors when 👇
I pick up donated bikes. Nearly all have been white. Many are openly religious, telling me I am doing God's work, thanking me for helping them to help people in need. Probably 60-70 people last summer as I collected 110 donated bikes from some of those old homes from the '20s👇
on tree-lined streets, some from newer sprawling suburbs, a few from McMansions.
The "browning" of the suburbs is going strong in this area. It is not the Deep South, and the influx of Black folks is still a trickle. 8 of 55 bikes I gave to homeless folks last summer went 👇
to Black recipients; another 5 or 6 to Hispanic. One donated bike came from a Black family; one from a Muslim immigrant, both in upscale largely-white neighborhoods.
This train has left the station. Those white folks who embrace it are not as noisy as the MAGAts. But it is👇
not gonna stop. Assface is delusional if he thinks scaring soccer moms with an invasion of "those people" is gonna win him anything. "Caravans" stirred up MAGAts; Muslim ban stirred up MAGAts, but there are plenty of people like me, quietly seething with rage at what the 👇
ugly underbelly of our demographic does and says. I fervently hope I am right, that my observations are not atypical. I suspect a lot of those folks who donated bikes probably voted several times for the r congressmen who finally got booted in 2018. I hope this nightmare👇
has opened the eyes of a lot of previously-complacent, comfortable, privileged whites who were never haters, just ignorers. As I have written repeatedly, racism in America is WHITE people's problem to fix. WE are the guilty; we need to clean house. I think we are. I hope👇
we are street fighters, because the other side fights dirty.
*Have a good day!🐸🚲

*Several of my refugee friends seem to have been taught this as a "typical American expression" kind of like us learning "sayonara" or "namaste". I hear it a LOT and I love it.😊
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