Using #webperf as a side hustle/from a #freelance perspective 👇

If you've got a handle on how to take a website amazingly fast, you're honestly well ahead of the game

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Business owners have long understood the need to have a website

However, they're only recently learning the effects of having a slow website.

Good news! They already know they have a pain point. So now you get to solve it.
There are countless opportunities like this on @Upwork, and other job boards.

There is fierce competition for designing websites for mom and pop stores.

Muuuch less competition for speed optimization. If you can do it, and do it WELL, you'll have more work than you can take
Beyond that, be proactive. Sit down, go through every business in your area, and run their website through an audit service.

Create a custom proposal on HOW you can improve their website speed.

Don't just say, "Your website is slow. Pay me and I'll fix it"
Show them the audit in your proposal.

They likely won't understand a lot of it, so you need to explain the problem and the solution in layman terms.
Is there excess/unused #javascript or CSS?

Are there render blocking files?

Unoptimized images? Images that aren't properly sized?

Site isn't using an SSL cert?

No HTTP Compression?

Explain these issues to the client.
Finally, show them the benefits!

Especially right now, businesses will be hesitant to spend because of how the economy is for small businesses.

Explain that more people than ever are going to business websites to find their hours, see if they're even open, etc.
If their website is slow, that could be a lost sale, patron, etc.

One that they desperately want right now.
Other tips👇

Know your limits and be able to explain it.

If a business bought a bloated WordPress theme that scores a 4 on PagespeedInsights, and they want a 95, that's likely not possible.

So what now?
Explain their options!

What can be accomplished with their current theme?

What could be accomplished with a faster theme or another setup? Ie. Not WordPress.

Now the ball is in their court. They're informed, and can make a decision from that information.
You can follow @MachMetrics.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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