I’m sure André appreciates the support, but (apologies to him) he doesn’t need it and the hashtag serves to direct people to the source of the issue. On the contrary, anti-vaccine and pro-HCQ advocates have everything to gain by attracting attention. This fuels their cause. /5
So the best response (IMHO) is to stick to science. Counter with information. Point out what’s known and not known about T cell immunity. Discuss (like Tony Fauci) why RCTs are >>> anecdotal evidence of HCQ (and have blown that evidence apart). /6
Don’t descend to rhetoric or abuse. Call out errors and distortions. Educate and disseminate quality information. The last thing we need is to politicize this pandemic. That is exactly why the US is in such a mess. The virus thrives on our weaknesses. /7
So if you want a hashtag, try #IStandWithScience, recognizing that science also doesn’t take a side, can change over time but is open-minded and evidence-based. Don’t feed the trolls. Feed the mind. /end
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