Stay away from “fitness experts” who preach calorie deficit.

Those people are the pinnacle of surface level knowledge.

The law of thermodynamics does hold true and technically the calories in, calories out model is correct.
But these morons completely ignore so many variables in weight loss.

Do not underestimate the importance of metabolic health.

Losing weight should NOT be hard, and I’ll explain why.

2 main things I want to address here,

And they go hand-in-hand.
1. You burn calories both involuntarily and voluntarily.

This is a prime example of working hard versus smart

You can either:

•kill yourself doing cardio to burn calories

•optimize your metabolic health so that you burn calories INVOLUNTARILY

The optimal choice is obvious
Save that energy in the weight room.


Onto the second point...
2. Optimize your diet.

This is anecotdal but true nonetheless.

Eating a diet rich in micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, omega 3:6 balance, etc. ) will make it IMPOSSIBLE to overeat.

Try to get fat off steak, eggs, and liver.

Won’t happen
The only exception is if you’re force feeding food down your throat.

It’s simply too difficult to overeat healthy food.

Give me 500 kcal of beef liver or 500 kcal of bread.

Again, it’s obvious which will leave you more satiated.
Again the calories in, calories out model is true, but the concept is so elementary that it only scratched the surface.

I’m hearing “fitness experts” say

“It doesn’t matter what you eat, just be in a calorie deficit”

This is the dumbest thing you could possibly say.
Avoid them at all costs.

Theyre all insulin resistant to some degree.

The final takeaway is

1. Your diet should consist of ~80% animal products

- a healthy diet leads to you burning calories involuntarily and it also promotes you eating only what is necessary

2. Lift HEAVY
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