Let’s make something very clear, because I’m seeing a lot of confusion:

Race and culture are NOT the same thing, and they’re not always linked. People look at blacks and assume way too much about who they are, which is why so many prefer to be colorblind.
I am an American of some African country decent, therefore I am black according to the census. That statement tells you NOTHING about my culture. Even the American part is vague.
As an American, I was born in Columbia, raised in Charlotte, and I spent my college years in Greensboro and Burlington. Also, my father was a New Yorker. Add in the Christian upbringing, and what do you know about my culture?
You can’t even say my culture is “Southern” because not all Southern is the same. As of January 2020, I’ve been calling New Orleans home, and I’m adapting to that culture. There is no culture like New Orleans! New Orleans is unique when compared to the rest of Louisiana.
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