Subject :
Gender equality

Gender equality is quite an important topic considering the fact that we are living in the 21st century,
but before going deep into the topic,
let's understand the basics.

What is gender?
~Gender identity is not restricted to a binary (sex identity) nor is it static; it can change over time.

And what is equality?

Equality means Equal rights.

"Equal rights of others does not mean less rights for you. It's not pie!!"

Then what is gender equality?
~equal access to the opportunities regardless of gender is gender equality!

Though women's rights are the biggest part of the gender equality movement.

Gender equality is not a mere women's rights or about women's justice, but it has wide spectrum to cover.
Lets start one by one,


Approximately 50% worlds population are women;
Still, worlds 95% of financial and political top personalities are men.
A woman is facing discrimination across the caste, color, religion and nation.
That's why women's equal rights always
been a prime focus in gender equality.

Women issues :

>gender based /domestic violence
>patriarchy discrimination
> lack of access to education /health and jobs
> child marriage
> female gentile mutilation
>pay gap
> dowry harassment
India was one of d early democratic country who gave equal voting rights for women. India espoused many discriminatory women's traditions in ancient and medical times. But, in due course of time, many reformist done an excellent job to terminate those rituals from Indian culture
India is currently working on many successful schemes and projects to end women's discrimination.
( refer to above pic.)


It is estimated that the average 6 % of the world's population comes under Queer community. Comparatively attention given to
this community over the global 'gender equality' platforms is very negligible.

We need to understand, Queer rights are Human rights!

Queer issues :
> voilenece, torture.
>sexual exploitation & Slavery.
> sensorship and medical abuse
> criminal punishment due to
>domestic abuse
> denial of baisc human rights.

Developed countries are now openly talking about queer community issues and working towards giving them equality.
India recently decriminalized same sex and introduced third gender in government jobs. Still,
public awareness about queer community and basic human rights issues need to be worked upon in India.

3) Men.

On larger historical spectrum men always been the recipient of greater opportunities, more rights and privileges; that's why men's rights always been neglected
on gender equality platforms.
Extreme feminists movement harm the essence of the gender equality movement plus the pendulum of the feminists sometimes swings to the toxic feminism too.
That's why the voice of deprived section men's need to heard in future .
Conclusion :

Gender differences appear to be a problem when discrimination based on the gender happens. Indian's gender gap ranking in World economic forum stands 108 out of 149.
India needs to work more on women's issue to bring gender equality.
Public awareness, stringent law for women's issues, education are key to the success for gender equality in India.

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