
Muslims in India should not loose hope with turn of events happening in last few years especially last one year.

Let's Unite & work for common cause of Social, Educational & Economic Empowerment of Muslims in India.

1. Let's make sure that we reach to 100% Literacy, Zero Drop Down & Highest % of Graduates in India as compared to any other group.

Each one of us should ensure no School Drop Outs in our area

2. Let's give special focus on Girls' Education. Encourage young girls to pursue higher education & support them by all means. Help them realize their true potential.

3. Encourage Students to enter Government Services, Research & Development, Teaching, Journalism, Defence Forces, Police Forces, Law & Judiciary in big numbers.

4. Encourage entire community Specially youth to become best in what ever they do. No body can beat Excellence.

We have seen communities and groups who are very small in number to gain highest respect only because of excellence.

5. Technology has given us a level playing field. We are at very crucial age.

Encourage young students to use Internet for learning new skills and provide different solutions to entire world.

6. Each Educated Muslim must Promise to Guide & Mentor atleast 10 students till they graduate and excel in their career. Consider them your own family members and do whatever best you can do for them.

7. Funding the Education is the biggest Challenge for our youth. Pool our resources to fund studies of bright students. Join existing Groups doing this. Make new Organisations.

Explore all available opportunities to reach even the last Student in the community.

8. Let's plan & for establish Center of Excellence in different domains across India for the Top Class Students within the community.

The best brains must be managed differently and must be provided full support to reach at top.

9. Those who are less Educated or already dropped out from formal Education, must be trained with relevent and futuristic Job/Business oriented Skills.

Skill Mission should be top priority of entire community.

10. We should have 100% employment in the community.
Guide and help young graduates to get their 1st Job.

Help them with Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Soft Skills, Corporate Etiquettes.

Small Guidance, Support & Encouragement can make a big difference.

11. Poverty is the Biggest Issue of Muslims in India. Almost 32%+ Muslims are BPL.

The best way to make everyone Self Employeed. Let's support every poor person with small guidance and small financial support to start his small business.

12. Let us specially help poor women in society to start small business at home. There are enough opportunities which can be explored and with small support we can make everyone Self Sustainable.

13. Muslims has the lowest percentage of Urban Migration as per available data.

Hence Supporting Rural Youth should come on Priority List of Muslims. Formal Education, Skill Training & Self Employment Support should be key areas for Empowering Rural Youth.

Accelerating Entrepreneurship can get tremendous result for us. We should become Job Giver instead of Job Seekers. The talented youth should be supported by all means to get going with Start-ups. Specially in the area of providing Technology Solutions.

All the above Points which I have written can be done by every Individual. I have not included solutions which mainly can be done by Organisations or Groups.

Every Individual in the community will have to play some role in achieving our Goals.
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