Folks - with kids or without - what Pallister is trying to do to childcare is incredibly scary. He is designing a two tier system to erode all supports for vulnerable/ poor children. I'm sure if this slides by uncontested, education is next.
Think of the widespread societal impact of the loss of even more childcare, the loss of supports for vulnerable children... this effects everyone.
The link to the brief above is a very good overview of some of the particulars the Mb Child Care Association is concerned about. The direct link to the government site is:  . The only feedback mechanism is "Make a Comment", so I suggest having one ready!
Mine said: 1. Retain enhanced nursery funding. This is crucial for child care access for everyone in Manitoba, and is 'cost efficient' because it supports early interventions for vulnerable children...
2. No additional fees for unapproved spaces. This will increase uncertainty and inequality in the system.
3. Recognize the credentials for professional child care assistants/ ECEs, and do not deprofessionalize them by changing their name....
4. Continue requiring licences. Do not expand the categories that require less regulation. Parents and society benefit from having high quality, well regulated child care they can trust....
5. Maintain yearly licensing to ensure quality and safety for our children. The expenditure on this process is far more valuable than the risks of cutting it back...
6. Maintain and increase current grants. Now more than ever we need quality child care for all, and centres need the support to enrich children's lives.
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