TW- weight loss

It's fatphobic to refer to weight loss as "taking care of yourself".

It's also a total lie because weight cycling increases cortisol which contributes to all the diseases blamed on fat and it damages your cardiovascular system
TW- weight loss

We have about 70 years worth of studies into how calorie deprivation causes damage to the body

We have animal studies, we have controlled trials, we have population wide studies of the survivors of famine, and we have comparison epidemiological studies
TW- weight loss

It doesn't get more proven out than that, especially not in th field of nutrition and weight

We absolutely KNOW that calorie deprivation damages blood vessels and causes metabolic issues

So why are we pretending that dieting is anything other than self harm?
TW- weight loss

Trying to lose weight is not taking care of your body.

It hurts your body.

We have so much proof of this, SO MUCH. So much MORE than anyone who advocates for dieting does.
Maybe 80 years, I believe the Minnesota Starvation Experiment was in the 1940s but I didn't feel like checking rn 😃
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