Excited for Marquita Bradshaw to be able to have a platform to raise questions of meaningful progressive politics in TN but y’all are tripping!! TN is not about to flip, let’s be serious
I ran progressive electoral campaigns in Memphis for the past three years, so this isn’t coming from an armchair :)
My theory is pretty simple: TN Dem consultariat is a bunch of incompetent and racist, they seem to forget Memphis even exists or resent that it does and that it’s about 2/5 of all Dems in the state. Bradshaw has *very* important name in Memphis.
Mackler seems to have ignored Mem; hearing folks say they never even got mail from him! Millions spent and no mail to Dem stronghold!!
So combine absence of establishment candidate with presence of high name recognition candidate and voila...
Not discounting her or her positions, but other insurgent candidates of color with similar platforms didn’t fare well last night, some did very badly, so I think it’s important to try and parse out that discrepancy!
And the Memphis DSA friends can say more about what work they did for her, but I saw them really pressing the pavement for down ballot races for state house (which won!), not sure about their work for Bradshaw.
But a win is a win, comrades! Hope she gets enough funding in to be able to be part of the narrative and call Hagerty’s bootlicking out and talk to folks across TN about environmental justice, GND, and healthcare - lord knows TN needs it!!
Memphis is the key to TN Democratic challenge to the Republicans - not white suburbs around Nashville. If the TN Dem establishment continues to relate to Memphis from Nashville, gonna keep getting surprises and losses like these!
“Tell no lies, claim no easy victories”
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