Yesterday, Cook County got its 3rd confirmed case of COVID-19. We also learned that the local hospital won't test asymptomatic but exposed workers. So, local businesses are taking their asymptomatic seasonal workers to Duluth to get tested. Tests are coming back positive. 1/x
Because seasonal workers aren't permanent residents, those cases get reported outside the county. That skews the case numbers lower in Cook County than they actually are. This is a problem, because it only takes 5 cases to force the school system to change its learning model. 2/x
It also gives locals and visitors a false sense of security. For example, I shot some outdoor portraits and the parents said, there are no cases here, right? When I told them there were both positives in residents and seasonal ppl and how that stats work, they were surprised.3/x
Making decisions, such as school openings, based on faulty statistics, especially in a county where 5 cases puts the county into the 10 in 10,000 case catagory, doesn't give good results. Basically, crap in = crap out. @GovTimWalz needs to fix this by providing a measure 4/x
of cases in seasonal workers that are temporarily living in a county to the counties that depend on those seasonal workers. Otherwise, the numbers look better for that county then they actually are. 5/end cc: @ASlavitt @MaraKlecker @mattdelong
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