Do Muslims worship the Kaaba?

One of the most famous arguments among Murtads is that we Muslims worship Kaaba.
In reality we only worship Allah, and I will refute this accusation on 5 points.
1- Muslims actually prayed to the Aqsa before conquering Mecca.
2-Omar (the second caliph) said while touching the Kaaba : “I know that you are a stone which doesn’t hurt nor help. And if I didn’t see the prophet (PBUH) touch you. I wouldn’t have touched you”
3-The Prophet (PBUH) told that in the end of times The kaaba will be destroyed stone by stone (Authentic hadith) and he never said that prayers will not be valid if that happens.
4-kissing the black stone in not necessary and it’s just a sunnah. Nothing else.
5-we needed a fixed place to pray to Allah through. So even before the Kaaba we chose the Aqsa.
“if Kaaba is the home of Allah why did it get destroyed?”
1- The elephant army directly attacked the Kaaba unlike the other two (successful) attempts which were not aimed at it.
2-Hajaj bin-Yousef al thaqafi attacked the Kaaba because Abdullah ibn zubayr was hiding in it.
3- There is NO hadith saying that the Kaaba will never be destroyed before the final time.
In conclusion: The Kaaba is not a God, and it can be destroyed and God defended it at the first time because it was a direct attack from ibraha al-Habashy
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