There has been more hype&PR than actual management of this pandemic. We should have started equipping/boosting health care facilities from February; imposed a 3 weeks total lockdown in late March to eliminate the virus; &used that time to plan a controlled re-opening in mid April
Instead we played tippy-toe polytricks; exposed medical staff to unnecessary risk; allowed unquarantined re-entry of undisciplined Jamaicans; bars, churches, beaches&rivers&night parties to press on regardless because Govt didn't want its bias to certain tourism interests to show
&then MPs repeatedly walked constituencies w/o masks or physical distancing&PM HIMSELF encouraged unrestricted crowds in Clarendon/St Ann with irresponsible campaign"walk-thrus"giving nonsensical speeches about shoes while supporters gather like mosquitoes around stagnant water.
The reason"moral suasion"hasn't worked is because "moral suasion" requires LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE. So a depressed looking PM yesterday bemoaned the failure of moral suasion&blames us. REALLY? DID YOU NOT KNOW WHO WE WERE WHEN YOU IMPLEMENTED THESE DOOMED-TO-FAIL RE-ENTRY POLICIES?
Now we are past the time4effective lockdowns. We shall reap what we have sown no matter what "orders" an irresponsible, public relations oriented Govt belatedly imposes. We shall continue2c polytricks&election gamesmanship trump reality every time. And death shall surely follow
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