6 steps to keep in mind to build massive wealth🤯

Building wealth is not complicated.

It's simple, but most people don't pay attention.

6 tweets to build massive wealth.

Here we go👇
1. Develop a wealthy mindset

Read books like these here

>Think and Grow Rich
>Rich Dad Poor Dad
>The Richest Man in Babylon
>The Millionaire Next Door

You can succeed if you believe
2. Don't listen to most people

You may have learned the wrong things as a kid

>Save your money
>Get a steady job
>Be frugal
>Don't take financial risks

This thinking is too small
3. Make money go to work for you

Every dollar can grow into more just like a seed you plant.

>Invest in yourself
>Invest in businesses
>Invest in real estate
>Invest in stocks
4. Building wealth looks boring

Traits of Wealthy people

>They lead simple lives
>Many don't work a typical 9-5
>They don't live in high-status neighborhoods
5. Have patience

Start early!

Warren Buffett made more in 12 months at age 60 than all of the previous 59 years together🤯
6. Don't work a job


Own multiple streams of income.

Thank you for reading and I hope you found some value in this.

You can achieve massive wealth if your desire is strong enough!
You can follow @BuildBigMoney1.
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