At 29 years old, Joe Biden was sworn into the United States Senate next to a hospital bed. His wife & daughter had been killed in a car crash & lying in that bed were his 2 surviving little boys. One is now gone & the other bruised by life

We need Biden
No matter how many stories I read or photos I see ... I never doubt for an instant that Joe Biden is a man who cares for us and the exact kind of person we need in the White House

Experience, kindness, thoughtful & empathetic from life's harshest blows
Joe Biden is surrounded and supported by people across the country of every economic status and political belief because he is a good man

And, his policies are spot-on

Read them if you haven't
Joe Biden likes people and they like him

Most of us had no idea how much difference that can make in our day to day lives ... kind leaders, liked by others and who like other people

We can sleep again
Too bad we can't have the general election today

We need Joe Biden ASAP and his Administration of excellence
Hoping Florida can turn out in big numbers for Joe Biden
"No matter what talent an individual possesses, what energy he might have, no matter how much integrity and how much honesty he might have, if he is by himself, and particularly a political figure, he can accomplish very little. But ...
"But if he is sustained, as President Kennedy was, by the Democratic Party all over the United States, dedicated to the same things that he was attempting to accomplish, he can accomplish a great deal." Robert Kennedy
Let's work together to get Joe Biden in the White House

We need him

The injuries that Trump has inflicted on this country are innumerable. I think we're in a state of shock where we don't even comprehend just how much has happened. A daily pile-on of insults & chaos that became overwhelming to address individually.
Joe Biden sends a message to the world ... we are restoring stability & integrity

Policies we can all agree on, someone we know & trust, a genuinely good human and a safe bridge to the future

Biden is supported by our base - the people who will vote
Our unity is feared. The largest and most diverse coalition in history. We have each others' backs across all issues. Be loud & proud of who we are @TheDemocrats

Listen to Robert Kennedy. We can accomplish a great deal - together

Unite w Biden
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