As Congress debates the next federal stimulus package, check out this thread for recommendations about additional funding and specific provisions that must be included to support students, educators, and schools 👇
Cuts to education funding made during the 2008 recession had long-lasting negative effects on students, the teaching profession, and schools.

To avoid similar or even worse outcomes, Congress must pass legislation like the HEROES Act: 
The HEROES Act provides more than $100 billion in funding for childcare providers, K-12 education, and higher education.

It also directs $915 billion in funding to state and local governments, part of which can be spent on avoiding cuts to education funding.
Importantly, unlike the Senate proposal, the HEROES Act does not tie funding for K-12 schools to physical reopening.

Local school leaders should make reopening plans with input from public health experts and local stakeholders without fear of losing necessary federal funding.
And specific investments should be made for students that have been historically underserved and disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including students from low-income communities, students experiencing homelessness, and students of color.
Additional funding should also be directed towards closing the digital divide for students and educators.

Unlike the Senate proposal, the HEROES Act allocates $1.5 billion in funding for schools and libraries to provide Wi-Fi hotspots and connected devices.
Any new funding for education provided in the next stimulus package must also include maintenance of effort and equity requirements to ensure states continue investing in education and high-poverty districts and schools do not face disproportionate cuts to funding or staff.
Finally, like in the HEROES Act, language should be included to make clear public funding should be going towards public schools.

The administration shouldn't be expanding voucher programs or misinterpreting equitable services to direct more money to private schools.
Until the next stimulus package is passed, we’ll join education advocates tweeting about what needs to be included in a package to support students, educators, and families. We’ll also outline how the HEROES Act meets many of these requirements, unlike the Senate proposal.
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