Let’s deep dive into this piece because there is one at least one policy error Brooks makes: https://twitter.com/nytdavidbrooks/status/1291709089681203200
First mistake: listening to JV Last.
Brooks thinks Trumpism will outlast Trump. I think an aspect of not backing down to an opponent, which ironically was a feature of Reaganism, will survive.

...but yes, the GOP has a history of paradigm shifts. Nixon to Reagan wasn’t long.
...Oh look, Bill Kristol and David Brooks actually pre-date Trump on a form of nationalism...Kristol’s current attachment to the Democrats shouldn’t come as a surprise if one believes the government should act in this way...for good or later we find out with Kristol...to be bad.
Here we go with the Zombie Reaganism again. You know...that Reagan that allowed blew up deficits to handle various economic issues while maintaining bigger bureaucratic government caused problems, which it did just like these bloated conservative egos of these conservatism.
Another error: the Trump tax cuts helped the working class. They got a tax cut. To just say “tax cuts for the wealthy” is straightforwardly dishonest regardless on your petulant disagreeing opinion.
China does change everything. This pandemic has proven holes in our manufacturing capability to prepare outselves as a nation in the case of a worldwide emergency. We do need a national discussion on bringing back some of that manufacturing, but also the cost of that here.
Brooks identifies a few more populist Republicans.

I would like to remind everyone that “populism” is not some new concept to either the Democrats or Republicans. Democrats have various toxic forms of it and their former progressive push from Wilson through FDR was cancerous.
Sasse among Cotton, Hawley, and Rubio....just seems strange and absurd, imo.
But Ben Sasse...which kinda confuses me.

Sasse is certainly a Tocquevillian localist.

But being a conservative and centered around small associations is populist?

I find this absurd in comparison to others like Hawley.
Tale as old as time?
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