For the last 60 years, every decade has been hotter than the last, and 2020 is poised to be among the hottest years ever.
In Nigeria, rising temperatures are supercharged by nonstop gas flares that can singe the skin.

Faith Osi, a mother of 8, says heat rash is a constant worry. Here she covers her youngest child, Miracle, with talcum powder to soothe the baby’s discomfort.
Staying cool in Houston, one of the fastest-warming cities in the U.S., is an unaffordable luxury for the Rodriguez family, whose neighborhood was hit especially hard by Hurricane Harvey.

“We just hope there isn’t another hurricane.”
In Athens, where heat waves have shot up fivefold over the last century, coping is toughest in treeless, concrete areas.

Hasib Hotak, 21, spent much of his time seeking shade with other Afghan refugees.
Eduardo Roque, an indigenous farmer in Guatemala, lives in one of the poorest and driest corners of the Americas, known as the Dry Corridor.

Rising temperatures and successive droughts threaten their corn, the family's staple food.
The Gangetic Plains of Northern India are already hot and humid. An increase of just a few degrees can be dangerous for construction workers like Rabita.

Breaks are short and the heat often makes her feel ill.
Heat kills older Americans more than any other extreme weather event, leaving people like Rafael Velasquez, 66, especially vulnerable.

Velasquez, who lives alone in New York City, can’t afford an air-conditioner and is finding it difficult to stay cool during the pandemic.
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