Reading an email bit about how our classes need to be “as successful as posible this semester” b/c “we can no longer claim an extraordinary, sudden situation.”

Uhhh....??? Sorry if I’ve not acclimated well to this fucked up environment. 1/9
But seriously though. Who is able to adjust to these conditions? It’s usually the same people who get to set expectations. As sudden as the transition to remote learning was last semester, I was doing relatively well early on. Perhaps this was due to 2/9
my own naïveté. Then, reality began to set in and I grasped that the pandemic is a global tragedy. I saw a George Floyd be choked to death and Breanna Taylor’s murderers remain free. I also saw the lengths to which 3/9
this president is willing to go in order to maintain White supremacy. I awaited the SCOTUS decision on DACA. The two weeks leading up to it took everything out of me. Yes, I know that DACA is problematic and not an adequate solution. But something about seeing how your future 4/9
is wrapped up w/ the whims of a racist White man will fuck you up for a bit. Im still going because I have a wonderful support system. I’ve spent the past few months with an incredibly supportive partner and her five year old son who brings joy into my life. I also 5/9
have a supportive academic mentor who puts people’s well-being above all and is always kind. But things are not ok. This isn’t a climate we should be expected to adjust to. The expectation might be to deliver the best classes possible because we no longer have an “excuse.” 6/9
But for too long I bought into the “good immigrant” narrative. It wasn’t until recently that I began to learn how harmful that really is and that it doesn’t really matter. So, this semester I’m setting my own expectations. I just want to make it through. I want to prioritize 7/9
my own well being and that of those I care about. No one should have to adjust to what 2020 has brought. If this is no longer an “extraordinary circumstance” for you, I envy you. It’s also on you to check yourself and ask yourself why you’re ok with this being ordinary. 8/9
I also know that much of what has happened this year isn’t new, so I won’t generalize my own experience. But the assemblage of things I’ve seen, learned about, and experienced have made the past few months extraordinarily awful. And I’m sure I’m not alone. 9/9
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