So, a thread about all the ways Trump is cheating/breaking rules and laws in the 2020 Election.

This is a big issue, and we need to be talking about it.

Let's start w/his visit to Ohio yesterday.
It is not legal for the President to use tax payer funded events, or the any aspect of the Presidency to lodge partisan attacks against Biden. He has a campaign for that. Functionally, he's erased the line between the WH and the campaign. It's illegal.
What are we to make of the President's extraordinary efforts to allow/encourage Russia to intervene on his behalf again? He fired a DNI over it. He's blocked legislation that would make it harder. And his govt is covering up current Russian efforts....
We know the GOP Senate/Ron Johnson are cooking up a late report - using tax payer money - designed to hurt Biden. So apparently is Barr. Dropping these things late make them partisan activities. It's an abuse of power, illicit. It's cheating.
Reviewing all this it's clear that cheating is central to Trump's re-election strategy. It is how he won in 2016, how he's run his professional career. It's what he knows, who he is. But it is wrong, and an extraordinary, ongoing historic betrayal of our democracy, of America.
So, what do we do?

I am a student of @TimothyDSnyder and believe deeply in his first rule of fighting tyranny - "do not obey in advance."

We have to fight what's happening here with all our tools - Congress, state/city AGs, law suits, making it a 2020 issue.
The President is in the midst of a massive crime spree. He's not even trying to conduct his re-election campaign legally. He's just going for it, and knows w/Barr there he can't be prosecuted. His lawless campaign represents a total break down of rule of law in America.
I realize there is a lot to talk about in 2020 - COVID, the economy, health care, racial justice/equity, climate - but what Trump is doing right now is so outrageous, venal, dangerous that we must turn it into a major issue this fall. We cannot look the other way any longer.
Need evidence the AG isn't counseling the President to respect the legal line between political and official?

Here he is *yesterday* pitching in at a VA GOP event.
For all those still thinking well there's no way Trump can spoil or seize mail ballots or cancel the election welcome to all the new steps to degrade the USPS, and this truly unbelievable story 👇

He's capable of doing ANYTHING to stay in power.
Add manipulation, pressure of social networks to the list of ways Trump is attempting to cheat. Have all the ridiculous Facebook favoritism - below good example - and threatening to ban TikTok - whose users have ridiculed him - right before the election.
Wow, we are really are in a five alarm emergency here.
New story about Trump's White House exploring all sorts of ways for him to cheat in the election; and remember in 2000 SCOTUS intervened to prevent counting of ballots.
The President's absurd executive orders are another example of his utter lawlessness and disregard for bedrock understandings of how our democracy (any democracy) should work.
Also had this back and forth w/ @RonBrownstein yesterday. Trump's attacks on USPS, his lawlessness may have broad GOP support for its understood that while it may not save Trump, could keep the Senate close, lessen Dem reapportionment advantage next year.
Found another example of Trumpian cheating - the corruption of our government run global information networks. Thanks to @djrothkopf here.
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