Sam Harris: “The reality is that if we achieve a Utopia, then the only differences between individuals and groups will be will be genetic, it will amplify genetic inequality.”

Paige Harden: “You are totally right about that. And that’s a counterintuitive point.”
Harden continues: “So many educational interventions are pitched as we are going to close gaps...but when those interventions are universalized, they increase the average level of performance, but also the variance gets wider.”
This is the great dilemna and paradox of the Great Society: the more we equalize the environment and reduce social disparities, the more we highlight a remaining genetic disparity.

The carrot just gets farther away, not closer.
Is this the cause of the Successor Ideology?

A sudden understanding that all the societal interventions have failed. All they have done is highlighted a remaining genetic disparity.

The dream of equality was based on a false premise.
So the result is a rebellion against Equality of Opportunity and a sudden Marxist shift to Equality of Outcome.
So we got rid of Jim Crow and passed the Civil Rights of 1964, and the result was a heavily-skewed Asian enrollment at Stuyvesant, Berkely and Harvard.

Not the Blank Slate expectation.

But completely consistent with an equalization of environment.

And “unacceptable”.
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