Little over 50 years ago, homosexual tendencies were considered mental illnesses and it was treated via psychological conditioning.

Today, those who are against it are considered having a psychosocial disorder and subject to the same treatment towards it's acceptance.

How do we determine right and wrong?

Where do our moral values come from?

If we are to agree that helping an old lady to cross the road is morally right despite coming from different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, epochs, then our morality is objective. +
It is objective because the particular act is universally accepted to be morally right, free from prejudices and preconceived notions.

These innate laws, universal in all of mankind throughout time denotes that there is a lawgiver. A source? Who? +
God is the only objective anchor to derive our moral values from.

Put God out of the equation, then our values stem from either of the two;

1. Evolution
2. Environmental/Experience

Neither of them can be objective. Why? +
1. If you consider it as evolution, it is a constant change in processes, there is no possible way to determine what you think or your values at any given moment in time actually has moral merit/worth for it is always subject to change. +
2. Take the environment, era, and place you live in and experiences you get to derive the moral values, Again, you are subject to the same question, moral values at different parts of the world are distinct. Each claiming their values superior over the other. +
Without God as the objective moral anchor, all our values of today, tomorrow and in the future will never be truly objective free from all influences and be considered eternally true. As it will continue to change with the change with ever changing circumstances.

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