Answer me honestly, why do you care if a person, 10 people, or even seemingly a whole fandom dislikes something you like, or likes something you don’t? All I see day in and day out on here is people commenting on other people’s opinions, treating other people like trash
You have to make memes dedicated to ”less welcomed” opinions in order to dare speak your mind but even then all of you jump at each other’s throats for not thinking the same when it’s frickin video games we’re talking about
People are litteraly dying of hunger, war and illness at a scale that is not representative of modern day technology because of deep ingrained inequalities in society, and nobody says a damn thing, but if someone says something about a game you like then you go for the barricades
It’s honestly so tiring to see, and I thank the few of you out here who post about the things you like and don’t constantly crusade against other people with (often theoretical, unseen) “bad” opinions
The purpose of this rant is not to start a flame war against “the people who do this”, or any specific fandom, the point is almost everyone does it and it needs to stop because it’s toxic as hell and twitter could be actually fun without it
Here’s what you can do when you disagree about someone’s opinion:
- Keep scrolling
- Unfollow
- Block
- Soft block
- DM the person and have a friendly chat over the question at hand

What not to do:
- QRT saying something bad about the person
- Tweet about “people with x opinion”
You can follow @Twenben1.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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