#Cork City centre is within less than 15 minutes walk for 21,530 people, less than 30 minutes for 53,481 people and less than 45 minutes for 106,200 people (84% of the city population).

(Google maps walking time, 2016 CSO SAPS population)
41% of #Cork City households own *no* car within 30 minutes walk from the centre. A total of 21,769 people live in these 9,359 households with *no* car and less than 30 minutes walk from the centre.

(Green < 15 minute and blue < 30 minute walk areas)
The electoral divisions within 15 minutes walk are:

Centre A, Centre B, City Hall A, Evergreen, Gillabbey A, Greenmount, Gurranebraher C, Mardyke, Shandon A, Shandon B, South Gate A, South Gate B, St. Patrick's A, St. Patrick's B, Sundays Well B.
CSO census 2016 Small Area Population Statistics at Electoral District precision are available at https://www.cso.ie/en/census/census2016reports/census2016smallareapopulationstatistics/

Cork City (2016 pre-boundary change) contains 74 EDs with a mean of 1,700 people in each.
Within Cork City centre, 13,116 people (39.4%) walk to work or school, 1,415 (4.3%) cycle and 3,896 (11.7%) take a bus to work or school.
Walking is the most frequent commute. Active (walking & cycling) and public (bus & train) transport (55.9%) exceeds car use (33.2%).
#Cork City does not resource active transport (esp. #disabled people): narrow pavements, limited space, disconnected and inadequate cycle lanes, cyclists forced onto pedestrian paths, and crossing timings all favour car transport - at the expense of a large resident population.
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