you can’t be racist to white people and here’s why
you can’t be racist against white people because they simply have never been oppressed. white people have never been discriminated against, denied opportunities, denied health care, been killed, lynched, etc for their skin. white people have always had the+
“superiority” and were always seen as intelligent and smart and nice people. while there’s heavy stereotypes against poc that are negative. white people are hired more often because they’re seen as smart while poc is hired for diversity rather than talent or intelligence +
with this it gives them more privileges. because they’re white they’re seen as “safer” and are able to buy homes in middle class to richer communities with no harm. while if a poc where you do that they’re seen as thrives or job stealers or again something negative+
to this day poc are discriminated and heavily negatively stereotyped while white people arent and never have. white people have always had more opportunities and had to work less than poc. they were never physically or verbally or mentally harmed for their skin. +
the most hate they get is being told they don’t season their chicken. that is NOTHING compared to being murdered or tortured for your race. in all, white people cannot and will never be able to handle racism first hand like poc because the lack of abuse they face & the fact they+
get more privileges than poc.
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