#OTD in 1944

A new crisis enveloped Army Group B in Normandy after 59th Staffordshire launched an audacious assault crossing of the Orne near Grimbosq. /1

#WW2 #SWW #History
Rommel's letter back on 15 July had warned of the increasing likelihood of calamity enveloping Army Group B as they were increasingly run ragged.

Von Kluge inherited command of an Army Group perilously close to collapse and the withdrawal to the Orne... /2
had been intended to reduce pressure on his crumbling front line manned by increasingly exhausted, and dwindling, infantry.

Numbers of operational AFVs were also critically plummeting.

The prospect of standing and dying was increasingly likely. /3
Reserve positions around Forêt de Cinglais and Grimbosq had long been prepared, since at least mid-July by II SS-Panzerkorps.

The Orne was a formidable obstacle with many of the bridges already blown during the orderly withdrawal. /4
Of course, any obstacle not covered by fire is no obstacle at all - especially to 21st Army Group.

Blow it? They bridge it.

Fucking quickly to.

Water? Wade it. Assault boat it. Swim it. Ford it. Bridge it.

Or splash a fucking Churchill through it. /5
Fifth Panzer Army had already raced much of their armoured 'reserves' that - let's face it, at this point were pretty battered. These 'reserves' were desperately needed everywhere and each road move left them vulnerable to arty, air and just general wear & tear. /6
The German withdrawal to the Orne had been long anticipated by Second Army and ultimately transpired without too many hitches, as the German defenders skilfully relieved formations - and steadily peel back over the river. /7
This saw Évrecy, Noyers-Bocage and Villiers-Bocage fall to Second Army, although some rearguards remained to the west of Thury-Harcourt etc to help secure lines of communication.

Each one a communication centre.

Each one actively helping Second Army proceed ever-onwards. /8
Crerar's eye was on First Canadian Army exploding out of their bridgehead east of the Orne and sweeping towards Falaise with Operation Totalize.

A huge armoured right hook to smash through the embattled and increasingly overstretched defenders. /9
He demanded that the Germans were given something else to worry about and pressed for the British to push an assault crossing of the Orne to the south.

Without this, he wasn't sure that Totalize would achieve it's lofty goals.

Tricky, given the Orne Valley's geography. /10
Recces reported favourable conditions for a ford at Le Bas which could simply tag alongside the partially blown bridge and transport could easily make use of available infrastructure and the likelihood that armour would be able to use the causeway. /11
In the event that 59th Staffordshire succeeded in gaining a lodgement, it was likely that Fifth Panzer Army would be forced to scramble into a full scale armoured counter attack - and completely throw their defences needed for Totalize off balance.

There was all to play for. /12

Well... I'm going to leave you hanging.

7 (and 8) August would prove a momentous day(s), but probably not one you've heard of.

As historians tend to completely overlook it.

Who needs original history right? /thread
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