Do you all know why Baburi Masjid was called Baburi?
Our answer will b --- bcoz Ram mandir was demolished by Babur's military genral Mir Baki
N he built Masjid in the remembrance of his leader Babur
Do u know that it's not even a mosque.
Thread on Baburi
This history on character of Babar is mentioned in Pakistan's medical chronicles and Baburnaama or Tuzk -e - Babari
Baber had suffered from many ailments
From childhood.
His real name was zahir Uddin Babar
n he was from Uzbekistan a sunni Muslim
Babur married to a girl name Ayesha Sultana Begam in a very young age.
But he was not interested in her at all.
As homosexuality is a common Islamic practice which is also mentioned in history
Islamic jannat promises 72 virgins along with 28 young pre pubescent boys đŸ˜¶
So like Muhammad Gazanavi and Khilani ,Babar's inclination was towards boys
Same practice is still there in Pakistan, Afganistan and Bangaladesh along wid other M countries
As per Pakistan medical association' records Babur was important n used to visit his wife once in a month
So Babur developed tendancy of homosexuality at d age of 17 according to Pakistan medical association's journal
He captured a young beautiful boy frm Afghanistan during his war expedition
Due 2 his love 4 this Boy , he was called by new name Baburi
Boyfriend of Babur is Baburi
Babur never showed any affection n attraction toward female in his autobiography.
Infact he wrote many verses for his boyfriend Babur
After demolition of Ram Mandir Mir Baki who himself was an eunuch ( a Hijarah) built a structure which has no place of UJU ,means place to wash hand & feet b4 prayer nor it has a open large place for gathering.
So Baburi is just a symbol of Babur' s gay love Baburi.
So Demolition of Baburi was necessary n unavoidable thing.
Baburi Masjid is described as a symbol of homosexuality of Babur according to many historians.
So such a place must b demolished which never has acceptance in any religion.
Now Ram Lalla will rule there legally 😊🙏
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