<<just 2 minutes & read it carefully>>

This has been Going on im My Mind for a period of days but finally after seeing this impact his posts projects and tweets im here to say something for each one of you to understand and try to imply! 1/N
Look.. every fan has their own way of loving their idol.. some r blind fans.. some r possessive fans. Some r control freak fans.. some r unconditional love fans.. so r crazy so some r expecting nothing in return fans. As we guys have been with him for months 2/N
we all have a different criteria & aspect of expressing our love.

But I want to ask u all one question...!

When u guys followed him on insta fb and Twitter , voted & trended for him like crazy & went out of the way to safeguard his position as number one & his respect ..3/N
did you do it bcz u wanted him to live his life your way...????

Or u did to to see him succeed.. see him win and stay at the Top..!

Well I assume we did it bcz we were a part if his journey & every moment of his has been a part of our living too..!
When we took a call of going ahead and protecting without judgements and questions than why are we changing now?

How does anyone's presence in his life make you detach from someone for whom you have spent nights and days without sleeping just to SUPPORT him.. 5/N
Why r people leaving. What is making u sad..! Just a friendship bond or is it that insecurity & jealousy of not been given priority on front of her?

Why can't we just stop judging & start loving the way always have loved him.
Why this hurt hurt game.. is he not a human.. 6/N
like u & me has he no right to choose his Friends and family members.?

If I claim to love u but I still question accuse & harras u in every decesion..how would you feel??
If I control u & emotionally blackmail u under than name of listening to me! Is that comfortable to u ? 7/N
He's a Strong person. He is smart matured & sensible enough to make his decesions. If u claim to love him with no conditions attached than follow that too.

Calling him business man or calling him fake, claiming that he never loved or tagging him in frustrations will not help 8/N
Have an issue talk to each other.. why drag him?

Than we as his own fandom drag him in such negativity.. we have nil right to question the others!

Instead of doing all this on TL.. I hope we would have together like BB finale to make his project a Chartbuster Experience.
We are lucky we have an idol that appreciates us more than anything. Thanks us beyond anyone and fulfills all our demands. Respect that importance. Don't take him for granted.

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