Earlier this year @smokefreeNN1 added e-cigarettes to our list of treatment options for smokers looking to quit with us. This was one part of a much wider transformation of our counties smoking cessation offer, and I'm pleased to say the first 3 months went well.
Between February & May, 361 quit dates were set with our core service, and of those 361..

- 104 chose to vape (33 combined with NRT, 71 vape only)
- 50/71 quit at 4 weeks (70% success rate)
- 25/33 quit at 4 weeks (75% success rate)
- NRT only quit rate for this period 54%
59 quit dates were set with pregnant women in total.

- 17 chose to vape (3 combined with NRT)
- 10 achieved their 4 week quit
- 58% success rate
Of the 104 people that vaped, 69 hadn't engaged with a Northants smoking cessation provider before. This is perhaps the most important part of these results for me. We constantly strive to reach people who haven't sought specialist support - vaping helps us do this.
As I've mentioned,our decision to add vaping to our offer was one of several big changes we made in 2020 & I'm confident it will continue to bolster our increasingly effective service. I'd encourage others to follow suit & embrace vaping as a harm reduction aid. #vapingsaveslives
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