Sorry to burst your bubble but NOT #Ayurvedic contribution

- identified by Jesuit Priests - isolated by Pelletier & Caventou (French Pharmacologists)
- isolated by Hans Andersag (German Scientist)
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter
šŸ“ŒReserpine (old world blood pressure drug) - identified in Rauwolfia serpentina in South Asia by botanist Rumpf of Dutch East-India Company, isolation by Műller, Schlittler & Bein (Germany)

āž”ļø In India isolated earlier by Bose&Sen, modern scientists -for psychosis treatment
šŸ“ŒArtemisin -from Traditional Chinese Medicine - isolated by modern medicine trained Chinese Pharmacologist Tu-Youyu

šŸ“ŒMetformin(diabetes drug) -from Galega officinalis[French Lilac], from European Folklore, isolated and improved -Muller&Reinwein,Germany & Leclerc,France
šŸ“ŒAspirin (antiplatelet, blood thinner) - from Willow Bark, used by Ancient Sumerians and Egyptians, plant property identified by American trader Edwin Smith, crude isolation by Englishman Edward Stone, clear discovery by Buchner, Leroux&Piria, modern pharmacologists

šŸ“ŒDigoxin (drug for heart rate/rythmn) - from European Folklore, identified and isolated in plant Foxglove by English physician William Withering

šŸ“ŒMorphine (pain killer) -from Ancient Sumerian medicine, PoppyPlant, isolated by Friedrich Serturner, modern pharmacist/chemist

šŸ“ŒCurcumin - from Curcuma longa or Turmeric (South East Asian medicine) - isolated by Vogel and Pelletier, modern medicine chemists

šŸ“ŒVinca alkaloids (anti cancer) - from Periwinkle plant, European Folklore, isolated by Canadian scientists, Robert Noble and Charles Beer

šŸ“ŒPaclitaxel - from Pacific Yew Tree, Traditional American/European - identified and isolated by modern scientisits Monroe E. Wall and Mansukh C. Wani at the Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

#herbs #Herbal #pseudoscience
So what #contribution did #Ayurveda do?
1. Treat #patients as whole - #Mind, body and #soul
2. Argumentative #medicine
3. Cant make #diagnosis, find #cause or #etiology and definitely cant treat acute/chronic #diseases
4. It is a concept already within modern medicine
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