⚠️Amber heard abuser her sister, a thread:
Whitney henriquez claims that she has tried to interrupt a fight between AH & JD. She claims Johnny was the one who tried to hit Amber as she was in between them while on the top of a flight of stairs trying to break them up
Note in both of their depositions/statements, neither of them know what part of AH’s body she hit Johnny with?
But now the tables have turned and it is revealed that amber was actually the one who was trying to get at Johnny while Whitney tried to stop Amber from hitting Johnny. After that Whitney claims she was kicked out and had to sleep on her boss’s floor. Her boss testified otherwise
It is now also alleged that amber was and still is abusing Whitney. When asked about it, Amber was all smiles and smirks while refusing to answer the question.
The very same boss, Whitney claims she had to sleep on the floor of, testified that amber continuously abused WH and the reason she had to sleep at her boss’s house (in the guest bed not on the floor) was because amber kicked her out for trying to intervene, not Johnny.
After Amber and Whitney heard that Jenifer was making a statement, Whitney attempted to convince her not to, to save ambers rep. First acting all sweet and then bashing her when she finds out that she did make a statement and tries to manipulate her out of it
After Jennifer’s witness statement was released, Whitney spoke to the media to call her a liar. This is JH’s email to WH after seeing she was called a liar.
Video reference shows Whitney heard with bruises on her face and body, while friends say “damn amber really beat your ass” to which Whitney resonds “I don’t want to talk about it” Amber abused her sister and is still abusing and manipulating her!
Whitney was also asked why she kept looking up at her sister while on the witness stand. It was also revealed amber was texting her sister while she was testifying...manipulative much?
I’m still looking for the rest of the evidence, so if you have any feel free to add to the thread!
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