I have girls that come to my therapy room with an intense internalised feeling of difference that have no diagnosis. The main presentation is anxiety. In education we need to do better at recognising neurodiversity. I am passionate about ensuring we adjust our environments. 1./ https://twitter.com/QLMentoring/status/1291351053783400448
Sometimes due to a lack of neurodiversity awareness the first thing that gets picked up is anxiety or executive functioning challenges. Anxiety disorders are common for autistic people with over 40% having symptoms @Autism 2./ https://www.autism.org.uk/about/health/mental-health.aspx
My tutor @SheffieldLuke talks about his 'golden equation' - autism + environment = outcome. When we provide environments that support neurodiversity we create positive outcome. This starts with awareness training. Autism is commonly misthought of as linear spectrum @theorah 3./
No autistic person is the same. @LauraFMcConnell has written a great thread on this: 👇 4./ https://twitter.com/LauraFMcConnell/status/1290909685814525953?s=19
The @AutismEducatio1 provides teachers with tools to create inclusive classroom environments. 6./ https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/resources/t4t/ 
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