Following a few requests, I’ve prepared financial fact sheets for some international football clubs. This is not new information as such, but a summary of previous data. This thread covers #FCBarcelona, #RealMadrid, #Juventus, #Milan, #Inter, #ASRoma, #FCBayern, #BVB & #PSG
#FCBarcelona 2019 revenue surged 23% to €852m, the highest in the world, due to taking merchandising in-house and new Champions League deal. First club with wage bill over €500m. Profits 8 years in a row, but increasingly reliant on player sales. Debt & transfer spend shot up.
#RealMadrid revenue flat in 2019, but lower wages and €99m profit from player sales resulted in €53m pre-tax profit, the highest in Spain (though posted €44m operating loss). Financial debt down to €83m. Revenue will be boosted in 2019/20 after taking merchandising in-house.
#Juventus 2019 revenue up 20% to €494m, by far highest in Italy, due to commercial growth (Ronaldo factor). This also drove 27% wages rise to €328m. Operating loss up to €142m, offset by €127m from player sales, but still €27m pre-tax loss. Debt (mainly stadium) up to €473m
#Milan €143m pre-tax loss highest in Italy & worst in club’s history. Lost over half a billion in last 6 years, as revenue has stagnated, partly due to little involvement in Europe. Wages up to €185m. Little money from player sales. Debt down after Elliott’s repayment of bonds.
#Inter revenue grew from €203m to €370m in 3 years since Suning takeover, including €96m from Chinese sponsors. 2019 boosted by return to Champions League €51m, but still lost €40m before tax. Debt of €461m would be even higher without owners converting €145m to equity.
#ASRoma have posted losses 10 years in a row. 2019 loss only €15m pre-tax, but includes €129m from player sales. Last 2 years helped by Champions League money. Wages up to €184m, as operating loss widened to €116m. Debt of €255m has since been restructured via new bonds.
#FCBayern have been profitable 27 years in a row, including €75m pre-tax in 2019. Revenue up 5% to €660m in 2019, due to better Bundesliga and Champions League TV deals. Wages have steadily risen to €336m. No financial debt, high cash and relatively low transfer spend.
#BVB last posted a loss in 2010, but 2019 €22m pre-tax profit included €77m from player sales. Sizeable operating losses in last 4 years. Revenue up 19% to €377m in 2019, mainly due to Champions League (last 16 plus new deal). Wages up to €205m, but very low €12m debt.
#PSG revenue up 18% to €659m in 2019, 5th highest in world, very largely due to huge sponsorships, including QTA publicity campaign (€175-200m). Further growth in 2020 from new Nike and Accor deals. By far the highest in France on practically every metric.
Obviously, COVID-19 will have a significant impact on these clubs in 2020 (and 2021), but it is still instructive to have a picture of their financial position before the pandemic struck, so hopefully these “executive summaries” are useful to fans.
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