It’s good news in principle, at least for NI biz (not so much for GB biz selling to NI- so far more bad news for them).

Just as with all recent announcements, the main question is HOW?

Two main regarding this announcement.

1⃣ one - the automation of the customs process

It promises a lot - an end-to-end support service that will complete both pre-notifications as well as import declarations on behalf of traders.

Uncertain what does that means exactly but one thing is clear - such a system does not exist yet. Anywhere!
First, various companies have attempted to automate various parts of the customs process with different results.

Many companies have tried for example to automate product classification or even origin determination.

The problem isn’t the lack of technology but rather the logic behind it – how customs data is created, what info you need and where does that info come from.

And the fact that even the best system can only get you part of the way – still needs to be sense checked.

Some of these systems work better than others. None of them is perfect and none of them covers the entire customs process.

What the UK Gov is proposing here is one huge challenge. Completing it in a few months is an even bigger challenge.
Second, this is just automating collecting data – but someone still needs to verify this data. How does that fit in?
Presumably, the verification/approval/checks by the customs authorities still need to take place?
Third, seems that to help with providing customs info this system would need to be interactive. Perhaps include some sort of a helpline or support team.

Do we a group of customs savvy ppl with nothing to do? Or will this be more like a series of notices and guides?

2⃣ point - what about everything else?

How does the digital customs process work if it doesn’t include VAT (or does it? Does it enable you to account for it?)

And what about traders that need to submit other paperwork like health certificates or licenses or complete SPS pre-notifications?

And finally two quick questions.

What about the GB exporters? Companies that will also have to comply with border requirements as of 1/2021, most likely two different processes for NI and ROW

And finally, I'm sorry, what will become operational in September?

The procurement exercise has been launched, and it’s August.

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