This is a good thing, & speaks volumes, the bulk of music since Americanisation post-1950s has entirely been industrialised pop music, yes even your favourite subculture that was 'edgy' was simply an off-shoot of this

The only songs I listen to are pre-1900s folk songs anymore
And the reason? Because nothing else really has any soul, not even the 'edgy' subcultures that existed, they're just one vaneer away from being the same industrialised crap, the only thing that really speaks to me anymore are echoes of the past before the plastic age
Oh also throat singing obviously

Music is meant to have a connection to the land... Folk Music is a redundant term, 'Folk' has been turned into a brand and label, sold back to you in silicone, its all fake

Folk Music IS music, music without folk is NOT music, its FAKE
Thus, the only REAL music is music that still retains a true connection to the folk and land, without this it is just... frankly poison to the ears, a dissociative jumble that gets you the same high that a cheap wank does, that's why its fallen out of fashion, ppl see thru it now
Perhaps one unexpected thing to many is how much of the perceived negative theories of the future in regards to Zoomers and people raised with the internet & with shortened attention spans in general were flat out wrong for Z, but entirely true for the older generations
I mean to say, that the older generations (and some young ones too, I talk abt this later) have been completely wrecked by technology and the shortening of their attention spans

Zoomers however, with high neuroplasticity and showcasing the hyper-adaptability of the human mind,
have taken things to their utmost logical extremes. Nobody likes most music anymore because their pattern recognition skills, even the dumbest zoomer you know, are capable of seeing the inherent lack of value in it, their dopamine receptors are fried but... is this a good thing?
I'm not entirely sure, but one of the patterns of Zoomers I've noticed so far being one myself is an interesting return to simple things all across the board, learning how to cook at home, learning how to do basically everything yourself, not like millennials DIY fad either
I wonder if the oversocialisation and overtechnologisation is perhaps a good thing, a reset button, a sobering overdose? Because while older generations are still addicted to tech on a slow drip, zoomers have gotten 'burnt out' faster than anyone, nothing is new, its all the same
To a zoomer, its easy to understand history and time as cyclical, we've been using the internet since we were 6 and being part of online communities since we were 7 or 8, we've had online friends, weve seen drama, we've had entire cyclic mini-lives dissociated from our real lives
Is it not a testament to the fact that those who supposedly have 'burnt out' dopamine receptors can still find endless joy in simple things like home cooking, wood working, pottery, self-sufficiency? Perhaps it is like, we are made to do these things, and all else is distraction?
While many older generations gawk at zoomers for being 'burnt out', I think the fact that zoomers just 'dont like movies, video games, or TV shows' all that much, and if they do its just a depressing way to waste time, shows that their at least subconscious knows they're wastes
This alone is an argument not against but FOR oversocialisation & overtechnologicalisation of children if the options are between only acceleration and whatever happened to Generation X
My point here being, it seems that exposure to internet & overdigitalisation young actually overdoses the child to the point where they do not find enjoyment in cheap dopamine hits from tech, but plateau to find its usefulness in pursuing self-sufficiency & self-actualisation
Srsly I cannot find ANYONE my age or younger (up to like 19, younger than that is still in the process) who actually ENJOYS video games in the same way I see millenials STILL hyperventilating :DDDD about movies, & video games

Millenials don't realise they're eating trash somehow
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