Let me preface this by saying that there's still much we don't know about the Beirut disaster. What ignited the ammonium nitrate stockpile? (Lots of rumors, no concrete answers.) Who kept it at the port for years? Who stood to benefit from it?
But there is zero evidence that this was an attack, some kind of Israel/Hezbollah issue. In fact there is a growing body of fabricated "evidence," photos and videos doctored to support this claim—which should make people even more skeptical of it.
The Occam's-razor explanation here is criminal negligence—an understatement; those words don't seem nearly strong enough—on the part of a Lebanese government that has been criminally negligent for decades. That is an entirely plausible explanation.
It's good to ask questions and doubt the official narrative. The government's "investigation" will no doubt be a farce, an effort to find a few scapegoats and absolve the real culprits. But to push the unsubstantiated notion that this was an attack is deeply irresponsible.
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