Good morning everyone.
I want to have a major rant and I would really appreciate if everyone who reads it would give it the widest publicity, because what has been happening and continues to do so, is an absolute joke.
@BorisJohnson please note.
@talkRADIO @JuliaHB1
Firstly, the public sector have suffered nothing during the lockdown and all the restrictions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. It has been one long holiday, on full pay, with handsome contributions paid by the taxpayer into their pension funds.
It's reported that only 30% of civil servants have bothered returning to their offices in London. This is shocking! So, before investigating the wider private sector for corruption involving the Job Retention (Furlough) Scheme, the Civil Service needs to be addressed.
Secondly, the issue of our children's education has been handled appallingly and is set to get worse. A very left wing teachers' union is instructing all its members not to go back to school. This is totally unacceptable and the Government must address it urgently.
Thirdly, all the bravo sierra about 'our fantastic NHS'! This is utter tosh. With the exception of frontline clinicians involved in treating patients infected with the coronavirus, the rest have been riding on the hog's back, particularly GPs!
GP Practices have been receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds for the provision of things like 'leg clubs', additional services for older people and support to care homes. None of these services have been provided during the last few months!
Similarly, hundreds of thousands of pounds have been provided under the 'coronavirus banner' to GP Practices. This funding has been both excessive and unnecessary.
So, guess where all this money for additional services and COVID has gone? Straight into the pockets of GPs!
Finally, the Government's approach to this whole affair has steadily become more and more totalitarian. How dare they tell me I am not allowed to travel and if I do, effectively, I will be subjected to house arrest for a couple of weeks when I return?
You can follow @HuckRG.
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