A thread of mystifying and hilarious data visualisations from the "Australians" books, published in 1987 by the Australian Government. (ht @mikejbeggs) #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
1. Spikes
2. BLUE STAIRCASE #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
3. Wave, frozen wave of OJ. #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
More ribbons than an artistic gymnastics locker-room #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
Space efficient data presentation. #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
The birds eye view. #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
I admit this one looks cool. #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
These were all originally published in 1987, and Excel has basically only just been invented, so I doubt it was used. Welcome any views on what program might have been used to generate them. #ausecon #chartcrimes #dataviz
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