To all the people saying that The Matrix being a trans metaphor is revisionist.

Here’s the thing about being a trans. You feel trans before you transition. You feel trans even if you don’t have the language to articulate your feelings.
The feelings might not be liminal during earlier parts of your life. But once you gain the ability to articulate your experience you notice, in hindsight, that the feelings you have, feelings that go to the very core of your identity, have been ever present.
And, as an artist who is trans, I can look back on my own works and clearly identify works that have been influenced by or are metaphors for my transness. Even if that wasn’t apparent to me at the time (please see my song about peacocks called ‘plumage of a man’ for an example)
And i’m thinking now, that if I had been collaborating with someone who was also trans and closeted then our subliminal transneses would absolutely amplify and reinforce one another. Our identities would revel in the opportunity to reveal themselves through our creations.
Also. Have you seen the dance party/orgy in the second film? That is the queerest fucking thing ever.
Aaaand, i should remind you all that I am a trans artist with a literature degree. And my very qualified response to “did you know the matrix is a trans metaphor?” Was “no shit”.
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